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Five Benefits of Fiber for Your Health

Written By Unknown on Wednesday, August 1, 2012 | 6:00 PM

Five Benefits of Fiber for Your Health

Fiber can help you slim down and reduce the risk of disease. Here it is six great reasons you should love this nutrient.

We all know that fiber helps aid digestion. Fiber is also good for diabetics because the absorption of sugars in the fiber is able to control blood sugar. Here are six reasons you should eat lots of fiber :

Fiber Makes You Avoid Constipation

Insoluble fiber softens and adds weight to feces, reducing the risk of constipation that uncomfortable. Experts said, high-fiber diet can also reduce your chances of developing diverticulosis, a condition where small pouches are formed in the colon.

Fiber Makes Your Heart Healthy

Adults with high fiber intake had much lower risk of heart disease. This according to a study presented at the American Heart Association meeting last year. It supports research that connects the fiber to a lower level of the blood, cholesterol, stress, and inflammation.

Fiber Can Help You Stay Slim

Scientists at Tufts University in Massachusetts found that women who ate 14 grams of fiber for their daily diet, can reduce the average of four pounds in four months.

Enzymes In Fiber Reduces The Risk Of Type 2 Diabetes

The fiber in the grain estimated reduce the risk of diabetes approximately 35 percent. Foods high in fiber tend to be able to control blood sugar spikes after you eat it. (Diabetes is defined by high blood sugar). Plus, soluble fiber slows digestion which helps increase blood glucose levels.

Fiber Reduce The Risk Of Early Death

National Cancer Institute showed that women who consumed up to 26 grams of fiber per day and men who received 29 grams per day, especially the types of grains could reduce the risk of premature death from any cause by 22 percent.


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