In the begining, Dunia Otomotif is a TV program viewed in Bali TV, a local television broadcast in Bali, Indonesia. This program explore more aspect from automotive world, such as auto-news, hot products review, calendar events, vehicles modification,tips and trick in maintenance,auto club, etc.
background :
automotive business in indonesia, especially in bali recently growing in a rapid scales. It can measure from lots of automotive events, and obviously by the number of vehicles in the street.this condition provide a good opportunity for bussiness sector,that run in this sector to marketing their product.
- to increase people's knowlegde about automotive
- as media to show lattest products
- to shows modificator's creation
Segments :
Dot-Gossips :
provides lattest information about what happenings,products trend, new regulation
Dot –Events :
presents events coverage, focus on automotive events in Bali and indonesia, but not missed world events
Dot –Modif :
shows cars and motorbikes modification, with the lattest accesories and variation, made by local modificator
Dot Tips :
provide Tips and Trict about maintance your vehicles
Dot –Club :
place to hang out for local Otomotif clubs
program criteria
Program title : Dot - Dunia Otomotif (Automotive World)
Format :Magazine - Infotainment.
Audience target : teenager and adults (12 years above)
Materiall/ contain : information about automotive
Slot Time : 30 minutes
Production format : Indoor and Outdoor
broadcast time : every sunday ,11.30 am
Presenter : Arsita
To alls automotive mania in bali, you can paricipate in our program by send your clubs profile, or your cars/ motorbikes modification data to bali tv or to our email address.
Eka dot
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