Cari Blog Ini


Written By Unknown on Wednesday, July 18, 2012 | 11:52 PM

Acne Removal - For everyone highly prioritizes appearance, acne on the face very make cranky, a little or a lot of acne scars left behind can sometimes make the sufferers loose their confidence. One thing is for sure efforts to cope with this disease have been discussed largely starting from scientific method to the traditional one. Well, before we figure out a solution to overcome and eliminate acne I want to say here that it is useful to know in advance the causes and types of acne which came over to you so that we are able to prevent it coming back and to remove acne scars.

Causes of Acne
1. The existence of a layer of dead skin clogging the infected pores.
2. Production of oil by oil glands that is too excessive.
3. Descendants factors / genetic
4. Hormonal factors when a child is a teenager (puberty).
5. The presence of skin irritation.
6. Stress.
7. Using contraceptives such as birth control pills, and so forth.

Types of Acne
1. Common Acne (Acne Vulgaris)
It is easy to recognize, small pink or red bumps. Common causes are stress, hormones and moist air triggers the skin to produce oil that becomes breeding grounds for bacteria. As a result of clogged pores is infected with bacteria.

Prevention & Treatment
Use a facial soap that contains benzoyl-peroxide, or sulfur soap to kill the bacteria causing the cne. If this acne medication does not work, go to a dermatologist to get it checked dan get acne medication prescription containing vitamin A derivatives like Retin-A .
To reduce inflammation and to kill bacteria, use acne medications containing benzoyl-peroxide.
Antibiotic ointment containing medicines such as Garamicyn (can be purchased freely) can be tried. This ointment can kill bacteria and reduce the swelling of inflammation as well.

2. Severe Acne (Stone Acne / Corn Acne in Indonesian Terms)
The shape of the protrusions that inflamed intense, gathered in almost all areas of the face (different from common acne that is found only in a part of the face). This often makes the acne sufferer loose their confidence.

Prevention & Treatment
It's useless if you use medicine - OTC acne medicine because it will not be able to handle this type of acne. You should consult a dermatologist to treat it. For this type of acne, an effective cure is to ask your dermatologist to inject it with cortisone, which makes acne cured within 48 hours.

How to Remove Acne Scars???
There are some natural tips below you can try one of them, i.e.:

Method 1: Take a piece of cassava. Peel the skin. Clean up and Shred. Get its water. Wipe on acne scars with the water. Do it every day for a week.

Method 2: Finely crush a few sticks of cinnamon bark and make powder. Add water. Wipe on acne scars. Do it for a week.

Method 3: Take 10 pieces lemon grass, clean and crush it. Add water. Face should be cleaned with warm water and wipe on the acne scars. Allow about half an hour or until dry. Wash your face and dry. Do 3 times a week.

Method 4: Take cinnamon bark and crush it to be a powder and mix it with honey. Wipe on the f acne scars every night. The next day, wash it with warm water.

Method 5: Before taking a bath, wipe the face with skin of ripe banana. Allow about 10 minutes. After that, wash with stale tea water. Or, a second way is to crush the old nut seeds, mix it with rose water.

The above info is gathered from various sources, and hopefully can give the good results for those who are looking for a solution to solve the problem that caused by the acne scars.


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