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How To Keep Eyes Healthy

Written By Unknown on Sunday, July 8, 2012 | 6:00 PM

How To Keep Eyes Healthy

Many people ignore the treatment and eye health. Often you suddenly realized that there was something wrong with your eyes. Here's what you need to be aware of.

follow some of these tips. Here you will find information on how to maintain your eye health.

1. Check Your Eyes Once A Year To An Ophthalmologist

Eye conditions can always change. This is because the eye always accept new things every day. Environmental conditions and circumstances affecting the health of your eyes.

You can not tell by examining your own eye health. It takes a special tool to look at eye health. The best advice to you is always regularlychecked by an ophthalmologist once a year. You do not want to hurt your eyes, right?

2. Buy The Best Quality Contact Lenses

Choosing a contact lens care needs. Do not just pick the famous brand or choose an affordable price only. Choose the best for your eyes.

Contact lens are directly related to the eyes, so it should be more careful to choose contact lenses rather than regular glasses. Choose the best color that suits your eye. But still do not ignore the quality.

3. Always Use UV Goggles In The Sun

The sun is not only bad for your skin. Eye also should not be exposed to direct light. if you really love your eyes. Because UV radiation would give a bad effect on the eyes.

Try to use anti-UV goggles to protect your eyes from direct sunlight. Especially if you are doing outdoor activities . Just select a suitable glasses with fashion trends. Healthy eyes, but still be stylish.

4. Eat Supplements or Foods That Good For The Eyes

If you want healthy eyes do not forget the consumption of foods or supplements containing vitamin A, C, E, Folic Acid, Selenium and Zinc. All foods and supplements can inhibit the aging factors that also affect the performance of the eye.

5. Set Your Lights When You're Reading Or Working At A Computer

Your lights affect the health of your eyes. Set your lights to fit the convenience of your eyes while reading or working at the computer.

Dim condition is very bad for you. Speed up the damage to the eye. Not too bright either, because it makes your eyes dazzled and tired. Therefore, just set your lights, not too dark or bright. The important thing is enough to help you see the best conditions.

6. Give Adequate Rest Periods For Your Eyes

Your eyes need a rest, like the rest of your limbs. So when you sleep, use a nightlight. Or just turn off your lights. It would be better if your eyes are inside the dark condition. that'll make your eyes more relaxed and fresh in the morning.

7. Change Your Contact Lenses According To The Recommended Time

Each contact lens has a lifetime. Avoid using too long. Remove contact lenses if you are not need it, or when you are relaxing at home.

Normal usage time is 12 hours a day. The rest, do not force your eyeswork too hard with contact lenses. And do not forget, check its expiration date. Do not forced to use it, because there is usage time limit specified. Change new one every single month.

8. Be Diligent To Clean Your Contact Lenses

Dust and other particles will stick on contact lenses, therefore, you must be diligent in cleaning with a special fluid. To guard sanitation.


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