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Type of acne vulgaris

Written By Unknown on Monday, July 25, 2011 | 4:26 PM

Acne vulgaris is the most common form of acne, and can range from mild to severe. Mild or moderate cases of acne vulgaris include the following types of injuries:

These lesions are often grown reddish and contain a white or yellowish fluid, consisting of pus, oil, dead skin and white blood cells. How inflamed papule, these pimples are the result of breaking the wall inside the follicle.

This type of defect known as "open comedo" and occurs in over-sized follicles in which air can penetrate and oxidize the plug on the skin's natural pigment, melanin, to create a black appearance.

A small red dot that does not contain pus is called a papule. Also known as "grain", a form when a blister is broken near the surface of the hair follicle.

This type of defect is also called "closed comedo" and occurs when the plug causes the wall of the hair follicle to swell. Because the air is not trapped inside the material, does not oxidize and remains white.

Type of acne vulgaris that range from moderate to severe often occur when oil, bacteria and other debris spill out from the follicle to affect other areas of the skin. These lesions can be tougher to treat and include:

These large, painful lesions penetrate deep within the skin on the face and body and may be the result of multiple infected follicles that are adjacent to one another. Nodules are more likely to form scars and can last for a longer period of time – especially if squeezed. An acne condition that’s characterized by nodules is called “nodular acne.”

Similar to nodules, cysts are large lesions, but these contain pus. An acne condition with cysts is often referred to as “cystic acne.” If acne contains both cysts and nodules, it’s referred to as “nodulocystic acne.”

The most severe type of acne vulgaris are rare and difficult to treat. These conditions include:

Acne conglobata.
This extreme form of acne vulgaris is rare and more common in men aged 18 to 30 years. It occurs when nodules and cysts scattered beneath the surface of the skin to create large lesions often painful and may be accompanied by black spots and an unpleasant odor. This chronic disease is difficult to treat and can cause scarring.

Acne fulminans.
If chronic acne conglobata is nothing left untreated, can develop acne fulminans. This condition is characterized by sudden, swelling, fever, acute pain in the joints of the hips and knees and severe acne to ulcers.

Gram-negative folliculitis.
This type of acne is caused by a bacterial infection, and includes pustules and cysts. Gram-negative folliculitis associated with long-term treatment of acne with antibiotics. The bacteria that cause this type of acne is resistant to most drugs, making it difficult to treat.

Pyoderma Faciale.
Also known as "rosacea fulminans," this is a rare form of acne is characterized by sudden onset of a red, painful pustules and nodules on the face. This condition usually affects females, aged between 20 and 40 lasts a little over a year, and can cause scarring.


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